Dec 8, 2008

Peek-a-Boo Kitty maybe I'm having tooo much fun with the shrink plastic....but you've got to admit....isn't this cute??
I've been doing one experiment after another and when these two came together, well, it was a purrrrfect match!

I'm not sure if little kitty is thinking "snack" or if he's just enjoying watching the birdie.

I decided that this one had to become a new addition in my Etsy shop. Of course I made one for ME too!!
Ahhhh.....what will be next??!!?


Anonymous said...

This is absolutely adorable! Great idea :)

roc said...

adorable wanda. i bet this will sell immediately! i love my birdie. i wore it already!

Tracie said...

That is soooo cute!

julie king said...

that's just delightful! i love how you can make up a whole slew of stories about the cat and the bird!!