I've started hosting a monthly challenge on an art site called the "Master's Challenge". I decide each month on an artist and I make a couple of sample pieces of their work. The point is to make it fun and create a postcard in the style of the artist that is choosen.The first month I did Andy Warhol. This was a great fun way to start everyone off. Pop art is just one of those things that people aren't afraid to play with.

This month...to keep it light a while longer I picked Wayne Thiebaud. YUM!
I've always enjoyed his work and subject matter. Come on....who doesn't love dessert.!! Cakes...cupcakes...ice-cream.
I can't wait to see how many folks try something in this style. It's the kind of work you can frame and hang in your kitchen!!
While most of his work is done in a thick oil paint so that the icing looks real.....I created these two sample of his pieces in watercolor.