Jan 15, 2009

A Chunky

Oh...I know it's not really the season for a Day of the Dead piece...but it happens to be the latest chunky book page theme for one of my swap groups. I love the theme anytime of the year....so was happy to do one now!
Every little bit of art I get done these days is actually more like therapy. Something to keep me sane while I fry what is left of my brain in studying for this upcoming real estate exam.
Honestly...I've can't remember NOT liking anything this much!
I'm sooo not a left brain person, so all this real estate law and state laws and math....YUCK!
Looking forward to the end and *fingers crossed* passing this.


Sir Pumpkin said...

Ah - it's great to see how this SHOULD be done. Terrific work.
Am totally impressed by you studying. Good on you!

roc said...

love your page wanda. i'm with you on that whole studying thing. for some reason artists just prefer the right side of their brains to the left., but i know you'll pass. you're a smart cookie!