Feb 16, 2009

A bit of art time

Seems to be getting harder and harder to find the elusive art time. With this brand new career I've started as a realtor, my time is becoming more and more tied up with the process of learning all I need to know for the job.
My left brain is getting quite a workout....while my poor right brain is feeling restless and neglected.
Today I made a point of going to my workroom with the idea that I would create "something"...anything!!!
This green eyed gal was the end result.
Only a small piece of art....but I am delighted to have at least accomplished something!


roc said...

yeah! you're coming to your senses woman! i knew i heard your art room calling to you!!!

Anonymous said...

Great work! I really like your style!

Anonymous said...

Even just grabbing 5 minutes helps the artistic muse settle for a little while! I was a real estate agent for many years and really enjoyed it. Its a big learning curve to start with...but its all worth it in the end.
Keep getting your 10 minutes of art time in, hon.

julie king said...

this piece really made me smile! i feel like that some days, usually on a monday. hee hee glad you found time to do some creating. if you're like me, it is wonderful therapy!