Feb 11, 2017

Vegas inspiration

How could you go to Las Vegas and NOT come back inspired in some way??
I'm not a person who gambles at all and didn't have any interest in that regard. But the colors, lights, over the top themes...they all invite the imagination to work overtime.
While my daughter and I were there we toured through at least 15 of the biggest hotel/casinos on the strip. Each one was an adventure with an entire theme built around it.
The hotel we stayed at was the well known Flamingo. An icon of Vegas history. What I didn't know was that they also had a flamingo habitat on the grounds! It was like a small tropical forest with beautiful flamings along with other colorful birds and ducks of all kinds. I would not have expected to find such a thing in the middle of this city.
So, as you might imagine, some of the first pieces of Torn Paper Paintings to be done since my return are of Flamingos! One complete and another in the works.
Don't be surprised to find other colorful images coming up based on other hotel themes.
Hmm...I think I feel a series coming on!

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