Whew....I can't believe I finally finished this one. At least...for the moment, I think I'm finished. I've been working on this one off and on for quite some time.
I did this from a picture that I took of a building on South Beach in Miami. I just love all the deco buildings there.
Trying this paper process on something like buildings was quite the undertaking. It's one thing to focus on a small subject...but a street scene....what was I thinking.
I can't even begin to tell you how many times I changed this piece as I went along.
In the end...I'm pretty please with it. This one is approx. 11"x14". I've got one more piece in the works that is about the same size. Again, it's one that I've been doing a little at a time. It's looking good soo far, so we'll see how it goes!