Jun 26, 2010

Here it is....

finally!!! My latest torn paper piece!
After doing so many of my water themed pieces with the beaches and the koi, goldfish, etc...I felt I needed to add a new piece to the mix.
I had started this piece earlier this month,but it took me a while to finish him up since I flew out to visit a friend for a week. I do think I needed that break from this guy at that point anyway!
Living on the coast and having to be ready for the summer art shows, I think this guy will fit in just perfectly.
Not sure yet if I'll give him a little tweek here or there...but for now I think he's done. I never step away until it is actually framed....so I'd better get to that part soon....lol

Jun 19, 2010

Friends and Art

Just flew home yesterday from a week long vist with my dear artist friend Roc. It was such fun to play in her workroom!!!
Talk about a woman who has everything!!

We shopped, ate, played, and had a great time as well getting onto Skype and meeting some of the other gals in our art group.

How much fun it is now to put faces and voices to the avatars on the site.

Everyone I met exceeded my expectations! Guess this means I may need to finally get a webcam of my own so we can visit again.

While I was there at Roc's house, we also had another "in person" meeting from another one of our artist friends. Terri came to spend the afternoon with us!! What a delight she was. Had to take a pic of her with each of us... "terri & roc" in the 1st pic and with me in the 2nd.

We really enjoyed her company. Thanks for stopping by Terri!!

Roc also has this beautiful koi pond in her backyard.....so needless to say, I had to spend quite a bit of time taking pics of these awesome fish.

They were by far the biggest I'd seen yet!
No doubt they will become inspiration for future koi paper pieces!!

Roc...a big thanks to you and hubby for being such great hosts! I had a wonderful time!!
Now that I'm home again I'll be busy working on that special new paper piece I mentioned earlier. Hopefully I'll get that done soon!

Jun 10, 2010

Updates soon

I know I've been MIA for a little while....but I've been very busy. Soo many things going on
as well as a visit to a very special friend.
I've also been working on a new paper piece that is coming out awesome! Soo....there will be
much to update you on when the dust settles.

Jun 3, 2010

New book

In between all the paper pieces I've been working on, I took a bit of time to create a new art journal for myself. On my regular art site we've decided to make a personal book and scan each months page to share with the group.

Having never actually "made" a book before, the idea was a little scary and exciting. I found an old school encyclopedia that I'd kept around for using the pages in my paper art...so I decided to put the cover to use and removed the entire insides. Then, using tinted 140 lb watercolor paper, I cut the pages to size and bound them to the cover in numerous sections using sail cord.

There are enough pages in this book to last for several years making double spread months! Some of the pages have flaps added for interest. I've just gotten started with the first page by getting the background done with watercolors and adding the "day' boxes.

Now the fun can begin!